4 reasons why you still need a company brochure

4 reasons why you still need a company brochure

woman-brochureThough marketing efforts in recent years have been focused online, professionally designed and printed brochures still play a vital role in engaging prospects, nurturing leads, and closing sales.

Here are four key reasons you should have a high-quality printed brochure:

1. Brochures are a great sales tool.

A well-designed print brochure is a valuable leave-behind after a sales meeting. It gives prospects information they can refer back to long after the face-to-face meeting is over. In addition, when your brochure is picked up at a trade show, it can be shared with others, which increases engagement and keeps your company top-of-mind.

2. Brochures get noticed in empty mailboxes.

Because marketing has moved to digital over print, there’s less clutter in physical mailboxes. A brochure gets your message literally into the hands of decision makers. Prospects often hold on to printed materials, and they continue to engage with them over a much longer period of time than they would with an email or social media post.

3. Brochures support purchases.

Your company brochure is a high-value takeaway for a buyer in the evaluation stage of the purchase process. Buyers want and need a brochure to support their purchasing decisions. A professionally designed and printed brochure instills trust in your company and its products.

4. Brochures drive traffic to your website.

A brochure isn’t a product encyclopedia, that’s what your website is for. A well designed brochure gives enough information to entice prospects to visit your website where they can learn more about your company and products.

What’s the takeaway here?

No matter how important digital marketing becomes, company brochures can still have a significant impact on your sales and marketing. Take advantage of this now underused medium to stand out from the crowd.


Think of your website as your top salesperson. Read more.


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